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Step into our boutiques and be transported into a world of wonder.  We carry simplistic, contemporary designs that offer so much room for individuality and personality.  We choose to carry more modern and unconventional designs for brides who like "unique".  From boho, to romantic, to vintage, to urban chic - check out our "Designers" page to discover how our style might fit into the vision of your day!

What is our style?

Brand Words




Our style





We recommend either nude or white undies or shapewear (no bra necessary, however if you are breast feeding please bring garment protection)

What do I wear to my appointment?

No. However, we will give you the names of people we would trust with our own dress!  98% of brides need alterations to perfect their dress. Expect anywhere from $200-$500 for alterations depending on what is needed.

Do you offer Alterations?

8-12 Months: PERFECT TIME - This allows you to have a stress free experience without the risk of any added expense, and plenty of time for any dress alterations you might need! Any earlier and you risk over-shopping "analysis paralysis", any later and you risk incurred cost due to designer rush fees.

How soon should I book my appointment?

Frequently asked questions

Do you charge for appointments?

This is appointment dependent. Please review appointment options when you go to book.

What is a trunk show?

This is where a designer sends us their entire new collection for the year along with other signature pieces. If you love a particular designer, we suggest booking in during their trunk show!

Do you have samples for sale?

We have a handful of discontinued pieces available at discounted prices however our sample sale is held every spring online and in boutique.



